How do I contact other users?

Search for flatmates or landlords

Once your Ad or Search profile is posted, you will be directed to your account where you have immediate results to browse through. As a matching system, you won’t be searching through unwanted Ads or Profiles, and to make your search easier, we have provided useful and handy filters to help you fine tune your search and see accurate results.

Room seekers will also have the chance to search room Ads on a map, which will come in very handy in case you want to check the transportation routes or a specific area.

Contact flatmates or landlords

Searching for a suitable roommate or room involves back-and-forth emails and interview-like meetups, to break the ice and get rid of a lot of worries you might have when intending to share accommodation with a total stranger.

Luckily Roomgo is here to simplify that task for you and help you reach out to each other and start on the right foot!

Members can contact each other directly by message or by telephone. Your search can go as far as you can take it, being proactive can help you achieve better and quicker results.

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